How Toolbox Studios Harnesses the Power of Print And ‘Optichannel’ Marketing to Help Clients Achieve Their Growth Objectives

Despite a pandemic and economic uncertainty, Toolbox Studios has maintained pre-COVID revenues (with no lay-offs) by creating campaigns for their clients weaving Direct Mail, Email, Social Ads (Facebook & LinkedIn), and Ringless Voicemail together.

Join me and Joseph Manos (EVP, MindFire) where we’ll interview Cece Smith, CEO of ToolBox Studios, to learn:

  • How Cece, as a former Procter & Gamble Account Executive, created an award-winning Digital Marketing Agency (and the surprising role print played in her story … important for commercial printers looking to stay relevant)
  • Her unique “FU” selling system (I did a double-take; it’s not at all what you think!)
  • The creative ways they find new clients — despite the challenges posed by COVID-19 — and her advice to anyone struggling to sell (“Even if cash-flow is tight, you should NOT stop doing THIS“)
  • Her odd strategy for pricing print, making cost a non-issue (may not make sense at first … hear her out)

Cece also shares an innovative and successful B2B campaign (yes, despite folks working from home) involving multiple channels and waves.

The first item mailed in this campaign is bizarre, so we’ve asked her to show you snapshots, mailers, landing pages, and everything you need to understand their creative approach to ROI-first marketing.



Download all slides & examples here


Additional Resources

Want to learn more? Schedule a time to chat 1:1 if you think OptiChannel Marketing & Sales can help you grow revenue!

Buy the “Go-Giver” from Amazon (Cece mentions this in her interview … don’t miss the reason why she has all staff read it)

Try the ‘Experience It’ Campaign — This interactive experience gives you a small taste of how ToolBox Studios uses Email, Direct Mail, Voice, SMS, and more … and let’s you experience these channels right now.