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How to Create a MAGNETIC LinkedIn Profile (And, The 3.5 Mistakes to Avoid)

I didn’t believe in LinkedIn either. So I understand why you might resist: not enough time, doesn’t bring value, or you’re not looking for a job.

Or perhaps you’ve tried LinkedIn, but it hasn’t “worked” for your business.

Yet, with 722 million people using LinkedIn worldwide — and a pandemic that’s made face-to-face sales difficult — you can’t afford to wait any longer.

Daily, people like you use LinkedIn to:

How to Create a MAGNETIC LinkedIn Profile (And, The 3.5 Mistakes to Avoid)” was a workshop we just held to provide our Clients with actionable steps to quickly improve.

Because your LinkedIn Profile is like your home base on the platform, I walked attendees through the key changes to make to their profile to attract their target market.

Because there’s no user manual for LinkedIn, I showed everyone the 3.5 mistakes most people make that’s like strapping 50-pound weights to your legs and going for a run! These mistakes may be costing you leads!

Note: Like most Internet platforms, LinkedIn is constantly changing. So even if you attended training on this topic in the past, everything I’m showed is up-to-date with many of the latest changes.

Below, you’ll find two recordings of this workshop, held on two separate dates for different groups. Watch one or both — you’ll learn from each!

11-13-20 Workshop Video

11-5-20 Workshop Video



Download the slides here


Each of the following resources were mentioned during the session. Visit or download them to learn more:

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