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MindFire Announces Four New Services To Help Printers Protect & Grow Revenue

Denver, CO / Mar 6, 2022 / — MindFire, Inc. the leading provider of OptiChannel software and services for printers, announced today that it has released new, innovative software and services to help printers protect and grow revenue.

“For years, we’ve helped printers of all sizes and focuses — including commercial, industrial, wide-format, packaging, promotional products, and more — grow their leads and sales,” said David Rosendahl, MindFire’s President.

“This year’s Dscoop conference finds printers facing significant challenges.  Whether it’s inflation, pandemic recovery, paper and supply shortages, or staffing issues, it’s clear new thinking is required given the problems happening at an unprecedented scale.  Because of this, we’re announcing a significant investment in four areas,” he added.

These areas include:

“MindFire’s OptiChannel Platform is a great technology.  But in today’s environment, that’s no longer enough, by any stretch.  This is why we’re significantly increasing our focus on delivering Customer Success, because the industry needs results more than ever,” said Leta Wood, MindFire’s Vice President of Customer Success.  “Our mission this year is to raise the bar on what it means to deliver results for Clients so that they become indispensable to their customers.”  

“Having partnered with MindFire for years, I can speak first-hand about the impact their technology and services have had on our business,” said Mike Robinson, Director of Business Development at Summit Direct Mail, a $50 million print and mail leader in Dallas, Texas.  “80% of our revenues are in some way supported by MindFire’s OptiChannel digital services like Personalized URLs, Dynamic Landing Pages, Intelligent Lead Alerts, or Ringless Voicemail,” he added.  “So whether it’s helping us drive more response from the print and mail we do for Clients or helping us connect with new prospects through their relentless pursuit of helping us find new business, I’m proud to lead the partnership and, despite significant market challenges, have never been more optimistic about the future.” 

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About MindFire
MindFire’s innovative OptiChannel platform allows print and marketing professionals to create highly personalized marketing workflows; orchestrate direct mail, email, mobile, and social media; automate drip-and-nurture sequences and track performance with comprehensive analytics.

Thousands of brands across two dozen countries worldwide depend on MindFire’s powerful OptiChannel platform, comprehensive customer training, and unmatched customer service to manage tens of thousands of marketing campaigns annually.

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